Development Tools
the clearISE and ANRA applications were developed under Linux,
however porting the applications to the Microsoft Windows
environment would require minimal work. Both the Redhat 6.2
and SuSE 7.1 distributions were used.
Linux is a free
Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with
the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the GNU
General Public License, the source code for Linux is freely
available to everyone.
For further
details, please visit
The clearISE GUI
objects were all built using Qt Free Edition for Linux.
Qt is a multi-platform, C++
Graphical User Interfaces toolkit. It is a fully object-oriented,
easily extensible C++ application framework that enables rapid
building of state-of-the-art GUI applications. The included Qt
Designer provides a WYSIWYG method of creating widgets, defined in
XML, and converted into C++ code "on the fly".
For further details, please visit |
The icISE project
was developed within KDevelop 1.4. KDevelop is an Integrated
Development Environment for C/C++ included as part of KDE2, that
provides a range of useful features for developers, including a
class generator, file management for source and header files,
debugging and integration with the GCC compiler, linker, automake
and autoconf tools.
For further details, please visit
the development of clearISE was carried out by four developers
working together on source code simultaneously, a method was
required to ensure that all changes made to code could be stored and
tracked using a repository.
This was carried out using CVS, which is the Concurrent
Versions System, and is the dominant open-source network-transparent
version control system.
further details, please visit